Ever wonder how some Halloween traditions began over the years?
Stuart Miles |
Trick or Treat This practice might have had its start in the legend from Celtic days that faeries would dress as beggars going from door to door asking for food, and those that did not show hospitality would be harshly dealt with by these magical faeries. On All Souls Day, the poor would beg for "Soul Cakes" (sweet pastries) in exchange for prayers for their departed loved ones, hurrying up their passage to heaven. Sometimes people in costumes would sing and perform in exchange for food, ale, or money. In the United Kingdom, Guy Fawkes effigies (or known as “statues”) to be burned were prepared by children, going door to door, asking for a penny for Guy, on Guy Fawkes Day. Some background on this is on November 5, 1606; Guy Fawkes was executed for attempting to blow up England's Parliament. Fawkes, along with an extremist Catholic organization he belonged to, wanted to remove the Protestant King James from his throne. The English wasted no time to have a celebration to replace All Hallows Day, so Guy Fawkes Day was celebrated from then on.
Bonfires These have two origins. The first is the sacred ritual of extinguishing home fires, and one sacred bonfire is lit in each town for the end of the New Year. Some say the reason home fires were put out is to scare away evil spirits from homes, while others say that home fires were supposed to be lit from embers from the sacred bonfire to start the New Year. The second origin was from Guy Fawkes Day in the United Kingdom to burn effigies of the Catholic pope, and later of Guy Fawkes himself.
Apples They are the seasonal fruit and also the symbol of the Roman goddess Pomona, commonly known at the time to possess qualities of knowledge, resurrection, and immortality. Bobbing for apples, peeling a long apple peel, and other influences of the fruit were thought to foretell the future, on this night of Samhain.
(m_bartosch) |
Ghost Stories Ghost stories probably have their roots in the original Celtic belief that the spirits of the dead (both good and bad) wandered the Earth on October 31 (Samhain). Later, when the church replaced Samhain with All Saints Day and All Souls Day, the dead were remembered, and spoken about. In the United States today, they are used to amuse and scare children (and some adults) to get them in the "spirit" of Halloween.
Source: http://www.halloween-history.org/ 26 October 2011.